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Villarazo, Colombia

Sale price $42.00

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Origin: Armenia, Quindio, Colombia

Roast: Filter - light roast

Flavour Profile: Sparkling grape, vanilla, milk chocolate. Super rich and aromatic, this is a heady fruit bomb of a coffee

Process: Natural

Variety: Yellow Sudan Rume

Grower: Jairo Arcila

Altitude: 1,400 - 1,450 MASL

Importer: Cofinet

This exotic coffee was carefully hand-picked in order to select only the ripest cherries, and then hand sorted to remove any defects. It was then sun-dried on raised beds in temperature controlled conditions until the ideal moisture content was achieved.

We have only a very small amount of this microlot. It is 100% Yellow Sudan Rume, a rare coffee variety found in the high plateaus of Sudan. It is resistant to diseases and the beans are large and long.

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